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Tempsure radiofrequency technology was originally developed for cosmetic procedures. It has been featured in many major TV, radio, and magazine advertisements such as Marie Claire.

However, it was discovered to also be a highly effective treatment for many conditions that affect the eyes, eyelids, and periocular region (the area of the face surrounding the eyes and eyelids). Some conditions commonly treated with radiofrequency technology include dry eye syndrome (DES), Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), drooping upper eyelids causing visual disturbances, drooping lower eyelids causing constant watering, and many more.

For cosmetic results Tempsure radiofrequency works to treat these conditions by helping to restore the elasticity of the skin and connective tissue surrounding the eyes and eyelids. The best part? The only secondary side effect of the Tempsure dry eye/eyelid treatment is (obviously, in addition to improvement in Dry Eye symptoms) a noticeable reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles!

This technology is a non-invasive alternative to surgeries, injections, and other cosmetic procedures used to reduce facial wrinkles such as crow’s feet, smile lines, and more. Tempsure precisely heats the deep layers of your skin using advanced radiofrequency energy without damaging the epidermis, or top layer. The heat causes the existing collagen in your skin to contract and tighten.

Also after the treatment, your skin will start to produce new collagen. The result is an improvement in skin tightness and wrinkles you can see and feel. Doctors render this a non-surgical facelift and it has been approved by the FDA.

Our technicians have been extensively trained and certified in performing and assisting in this phenomenal breakthrough procedure. Most patients describe it as feeling like a warm massage that will continue to improve the firmness and collagen of the skin over the next 6 months.

Tempsure is safe for all skin types and fits perfectly into any beauty regimen. Sessions vary from 30 minutes for dry eye treatments to an hour or more for full-face treatments, depending on the type of treatment being administered. You will notice results immediately after the procedure, however, results will continue to improve and compound until maximum efficacy is reached at approximately 6months after the procedure.

To obtain optimal results, we suggest having a series of 3-5 sessions with anywhere from2-4 week intervals in between each procedure. The number and duration of sessions will vary depending on the age of the patient as well as the condition being treated and the desired results.

Contact our office to speak with a trained technician that will be happy to help you develop a treatment plan designed specifically for you and your eye and skincare needs!